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-Ghâfir ( غافر )

Kashf Al-Asrar Tafsir

40:1 ḤāÌ Mīm
ḤāÌ is an allusion to love [maḥabba] and Mīm is an allusion to favor [minna]. He is saying, "O you who have become a friend through the ḤāÌ of My love, not through your own excellence! O you have found Me through the Mīm of My favor, not through your obedience! O you whom I took as My friend when you did not recognize Me! O you whom I wanted when you did not know Me! O you to whom I belonged when you did not belong to Me! A hundred thousand were standing at My threshold wanting Me and making their supplications. I paid no attention to them and I said to you without your asking, 'O community of Aḥmad, I bestowed upon you before you asked from Me, I responded to you before you called upon Me, and I forgave you before you asked Me to forgive you.'
"The previous prophets were eager and yearning for you. Abraham said, 'Make for me a tongue of truthfulness among the later folk' [26:84], and Moses said, 'Make me one of the community of Aḥmad.' This was not because We explained your acts to them, for if We had talked about your acts to them, all would have pulled back from you. It was because I explained My bounteousness and beneficence toward you. Before you, I chose everyone I chose one by one. Thus, 'Surely God chose Adam and Noah and the House of Abraham and the House of Imran' [3:33]. When your turn came, I spoke generally and inclusively: 'You are the best community' [3:110]. All of you are My chosen ones." In another place He says, "Our servants We chose" [35:32]. Included in this address are worshippers, wrongdoers, and disobedient.