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وَإِنِ ٱمْرَأَةٌ خَافَتْ مِن بَعْلِهَا نُشُوزاً أَوْ إِعْرَاضاً فَلاَ جُنَاْحَ عَلَيْهِمَآ أَن يُصْلِحَا بَيْنَهُمَا صُلْحاً وَٱلصُّلْحُ خَيْرٌ وَأُحْضِرَتِ ٱلأنْفُسُ ٱلشُّحَّ وَإِن تُحْسِنُواْ وَتَتَّقُواْ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيراً
-An-Nisâ’ ( النساء )

Al Qushairi Tafsir

[4:128] And if a woman fears from her husband ill-treatment or rejection (iʿrā?), they are not at fault if they are reconciled through some agreement; reconciliation is better. But greed has been made present in the souls. If you are virtuous and fear, surely God is ever aware of what you do.
The companionship of people with one another, if it is disengaged from the discourse of the Real, will surely risk alienation and blame and will be mixed with antipathy and disgust. Whoever turns away (ʿara?a) from God in his heart, people turn away from protecting his right and all come out against him in finding his affair pathetic and regarding his worth as contemptible. But whoever returns to God in his heart, his affair will be balanced as a whole and in the particular. His chest will expand with the capacity to bear what he faces in people's bad traits. He will draw the skirt of pardon over the defects of all of them and prefer reconciliation in abandoning his portion and handing over their portion. God Most High said: Reconciliation is better.
To ignore your own aversion to those who quarrel with you is more appropriate for you and more advantageous than being arrogant with your foe out of a desire for revenge and presenting evidence for that which belongs to you in privilege. Most people are in the fetters of this tribulation.
But greed has been made present in the souls: The greed of the lower self is the concern of the servant for his worldly portion. Whoever is veiled from witnessing the Real is inevitably brought back to witnessing the lower self.
If you are virtuous: It means that would be better for you. Being virtuous is that you worship God as if you see him.
And fear: It means [fear] your looking to your own status and worth. Rather look to your Lord and in seeing Him be annihilated from any vision of your own worth.
Surely God is ever aware of what you do: It means when you are annihilated from yourselves and your acting, God is the best to know after your annihilation and the best to bring things about after your effacement.