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وَرَبَطْنَا عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ إِذْ قَامُواْ فَقَالُواْ رَبُّنَا رَبُّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلأَرْضِ لَن نَّدْعُوَاْ مِن دُونِهِ إِلـٰهاً لَّقَدْ قُلْنَا إِذاً شَطَطاً
-Al-Kahf ( الكهف )

Kashani Tafsir

And We fortified their hearts: We strengthened them by causing them to endure the [spiritual] struggle with patience and We gave them courage to wage war against Satan, to resist the soul, to abandon corporeal familiars, sensory pleasures and to uphold the word of the affirmation of [His] Oneness, to deny the divinity of vain desire and to reject the worship of the idol of the body before the tyrant that is the commanding soul, without any concern for it, when it [that tyrannical soul] rebuked them for refraining from the worship of the deity of vain desire and the idol of the body and threatened them with poverty and ruin. For [indeed] the soul is given to call to the worship of that [false deity] and to being in accord therewith and to preparing the means for [the actualisation of] its [that deity's] shares, [the soul] also being given to incite fear in the heart of fear [itself] and of death. Or [it means] that We emboldened them to uphold the word of the affirmation of [His] Oneness and to make manifest the upright religion and to call to the Truth in the presence of every tyrant, who [in this case] was Docianus, whose moment was like that of Nimrod, Pharaoh and Abū Jahl and their ilk from among those who followed their religion and over whom the commanding soul had acquired mastery so that they ended up worshipping vain desire, or those who, out of their insolence and the rebelliousness of their I-ness and their belligerence, claimed lordship without any concern, when he [the tyrant] rebuked them for abandoning the worship of a given idol, as was the habit of some of them, or [for abandoning the worship of] the idol of his own soul, just as the accursed Pharaoh said: I do not know of any god for you other than me [Q. 28:38] and 'I am your most high lord!' [Q. 79:24].