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إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَكْتُمُونَ مَآ أَنزَلَ ٱللَّهُ مِنَ ٱلْكِتَابِ وَيَشْتَرُونَ بِهِ ثَمَناً قَلِيلاً أُولَـٰئِكَ مَا يَأْكُلُونَ فِي بُطُونِهِمْ إِلاَّ ٱلنَّارَ وَلاَ يُكَلِّمُهُمُ ٱللَّهُ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَامَةِ وَلاَ يُزَكِّيهِمْ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ
-Al-Baqarah ( البقرة )

Asbab Al-Nuzul

(Lo! those who hide aught of the Scripture which Allah hath revealed…) [2:174]. Reporting from Abu Salih who reported it from Ibn 'Abbas, al-Kalbi said: “This was revealed about the leaders and doctors of the Jews. They used to get gifts and surpluses from ordinary Jews and hoped that the new prophet will be sent from amongst them. When he was sent from amongst others, they feared the loss of their gains and the waning of their leadership. As a result, they changed the traits of Muhammad, Allah bless him and give him peace, [as found in the Torah] and then said to people: 'These are the traits of the prophet who will be sent at the end of time. Look! He does not resemble the prophet who is in Mecca'. When ordinary people looked at the changed traits, they found them different than those of Muhammad, and so they did not believe in him”.

Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi , trans. Mokrane Guezzou