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خُلِقَ مِن مَّآءٍ دَافِقٍ
يَخْرُجُ مِن بَيْنِ ٱلصُّلْبِ وَٱلتَّرَآئِبِ
-At-Târiq ( الطارق )

Kashf Al-Asrar Tafsir

86:6-7 He was created of gushing water, emerging from between the loins and the chest.
When the human individual was created, he was created from water thrown and spilled, a water that came forth from the back of the man and from the bones within the woman's breast. First he was a sperm drop, which God then made into a clot with His power. Then with His will He built tissue, with His desire He made bones appear, and with His munificence He clothed the bones in the cloak of flesh. When He wanted to display you to your mother and father, He adorned you in a beautiful form in the oyster shell of the womb, just as a slave-trader adorns a slave girl at the time of presenting her. In the same way, after He turns you into dust in your grave He will adorn you for the Day of Presentation to the messengers and the Lord of the Worlds. God says, "They will be presented to their Lord in rows" [18:48].
When you turn a pot full of water upside down, nothing stays inside. The Lord of the Worlds put the sperm drop into the womb and turned it upside down with His power.
So glory be to Him who compounded Adam with a composition that contains everything created in the macrocosm! The exalted Lord created some creatures in the form of prostrators, like snakes, fish, and crawling things. He created some in the form of those who bow, like cattle and predators; some in the form of standers, like trees and plants; some in the form of sitters, like the unshakeable mountains. All of these are compelled to prostrate, bow, and sit, and they receive no praise for that. But He created the Adamite in a form that has the power to prostrate, bow, sit, and stand, and in that He gave Him choice and ability, so he is worthy of praise and laudation: The repenters, the worshipers, the praisers, the wayfarers, the bowers, the prostrators, the commanders to the honorable and prohibiters of the improper, the keepers of God's bounds-give good news to the faithful! [9:112]. Glory be to Him who creates the son of Adam to manifest power, provides for him to manifest generosity, makes him die to manifest all-compellingness, and then brings him to life to manifest reward and punishment! So blessed is God, the most beautiful of creators! [23:14].