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إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ
-Al-Fâtihah ( الفاتحة )

Al Qushairi Tafsir

[1:5] You [alone] we worship, and You [alone] we ask for help.
Its meaning is 'we worship You and we ask for help through You', but beginning with the mention of the object of worship is better than beginning with the mention of the servant's attribute, which is his worship and seeking help. This is a more eloquent wording and more pleasing to the ears. Worship is bringing the utmost humility in harmony (muwāfaqa) with the command, standing wherever the law stands, and asking for help in seeking the assistance of the Real.
Worship (ʿibāda) refers to the exertion of effort and strength, while asking for help (istiʿāna) indicates seeking to attract power and grace. So in worship the honor of the servant becomes manifest and in asking for help kindness comes to the servant. The finding of his honor is in worship and the granting of security from harm is in the asking for help. The outward aspect of worship is humbling oneself (tadhallul) but its inward truth is becoming powerful (taʿazzuz) and beautiful (tajammul):
When necks are brought low (dhallalat)
in being brought near,
between us, their glory (ʿizz)
is in their humility (dhull).
Its meaning is:
As soon as you caused me
to submit to dhāl and lām
You met me
in ʿayn and zā.
[Section] Worship is the promenade of the seekers (qāṣidūn), the recreation of the aspirants (murīdūn), the meadow of intimacy for the lovers (muḥibbūn) and the pasture of delight for the knowers (ʿārifūn). Their eyes are cooled by [worship], their hearts find joy in it, and their spirits have rest from it. [The Prophet] (ṣ) alluded to this in saying, 'Give us rest, O Bilāl'. One created being said about another created being:
O people, my blood revenge
belongs to my AsmāÌ
Anyone near and far
knows it.
Do not call upon me
except by 'O servant of her'
For that is the most truthful
of my names.
Asking for help is to alight in the environs of His generosity, to put your burden down in the courtyard of His liberality, and to submit your burden to the hand of His rule. So you seek Him full of hope, taking large strides towards Him, hoping in Him with a powerful anticipation, having faith in His eternal generosity, trusting in what has already been chosen (ikhtiyār sābiq), and clinging to the strong rope of His liberality.