[4:145] Verily, the hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Fire; and you will never find a helper for them.
This verse indicates that there is no seeking protection (mustaÌmin) for the hypocrites because being true to the trust (īmān) is what brings protection (amān). The one who holds true to the trust (muÌmin) is saved by his faith (īmān) from the Fire - faith cannot be the cause for one's falling to the lowest level of the Fire. It is said this is verified by His words: God is the best of schemers [3:54 and 8:30], which is to say He is beyond all schemes. When the scheming of the hypocrites with the believers was exposed, their punishment was more severe than the punishment of those whose disbelief was declared openly.
It is said He transfers them from their present state to one that is more severe later, because of what is in the tradition: One meets God in whatever state one is in. Just as today the hypocrites are in the lowest level of abandonment, so will they be transferred to the lowest level of the Fire. The lowest level of abandonment in the present is that they have nothing that could be called "faith" (īmān). They have not even the slightest thing from God and this is the greatest of afflictions.
It is said they deserve the lowest level of the Fire because they kept company here with the greatest name of God without respect (ḥurma). They were present in their speech but without any sense of propriety and by this one is driven away.