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أَتَىٰ أَمْرُ ٱللَّهِ فَلاَ تَسْتَعْجِلُوهُ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ
-An-Nahl ( النحل )

Asbab Al-Nuzul

(The commandment of Allah will come to pass…) [16:1]. Said Ibn 'Abbas: “When Allah, exalted is He, revealed (The Hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain) [54:1], the unbelievers said to each other: 'This man claims that the Day of Judgement is near, so refrain from some of the things you usually do until we see what happens'. When they saw that nothing happened, they said: 'Nothing happened', and so Allah, exalted is He, revealed (Their reckoning draweth nigh for mankind, while they turn away in heedlessness…) [21:1]. They again became apprehensive and waited for the nearing last Hour. When a long time had passed [and nothing happened] they said: 'O Muhammad, nothing of that with which you have threatened us happened'. And Allah, exalted is He, revealed (The commandment of Allah will come to pass). The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, jumped up when he heard this and people raised their heads [to heaven]. The revelation (so seek not ye to hasten it) came, and people felt relieved. And when this verse was revealed, the Messenger of Allah, Allah, bless him and give him peace, said: 'I and the last Hour are like this - and he pointed with his finger - ; it almost came before me' ”. Other unbelievers said: “The judgement is already here; it is chastisement through the sword”. This is the answer of al-Nadr ibn al-Harith when He said (O Allah! If this be indeed the truth from Thee, then rain down stones on us…) [8:32], as if hastening chastisement, and so Allah exalted is He, revealed this verse.

Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi , trans. Mokrane Guezzou