And all that We relate to you of the accounts of the messengers, that with which We might strengthen your heart: since We have apprised you of how they suffered hardships at the hands of their communities but remained firm at the station of uprightness without slipping therefrom, and [apprised you] of how We reprimanded them for their variegations and for the manifestation of some remnant of theirs, as in the story of Noah when he asks for the deliverance of his son; and [apprised you] of the strength of their steadfastness and courage in their certainty and trust [in God], as in the story of Hūd where he says: Lo! I call God to bear witness and you, bear witness also, that I am innocent of what you associate [Q. 11:54] to where he says [Surely my Lord is] on a straight path [Q. 11:56]; and [apprised you] of the perfectedness of their generosity and virtue in the face of insolence, as in the story of Lot where the daughters are offered up in exchange for the safeguarding of guests from evil, [since We have apprised you of all of that], your heart has been made firm by all of that and your uprightness has been stabilised and your fixity has been strengthened by the dissipation of the vestiges of variegations from you, and your trust, your satisfaction, your certainty and your courage have been fortified and your character and your generosity have been perfected. And in this, sūra, there has come to you the truth, that is, that by which the convictions of the believers are verified, and an admonition, for them with which they might guard against that for which He destroyed [former] communities, and a reminder, of what they should follow as [their] religion and adopt as their path and conduct. But God knows best.